How To Develop an AI Video Generator App?

How to Develop an AI Video Generator App?

In 2023, for businesses and content creators, video content is a need. Video content has a greater organic reach than other forms and is used by most digital creators to connect with audiences via social networks. In addition, creating and sharing video content has often taken a lot of effort. 

The newest craze is AI video generator app development. It will enable you to create videos in a matter of seconds or minutes.   

This perspective is evolving due to AI development services, making video generation simpler than ever!   

AI-generated videos stormed social media. The AI video generator app like Descript is all the rage and has surprised everyone. 

The global Al Video Generator App Market is anticipated to increase from USD 411.5M in 2022 to USD 1082.7M in 2027 at a CAGR of 17.5%; thus, there is no better time than now to invest in AI video generator app development.   

In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about AI video generator app development and how to develop a bespoke AI video generator app from scratch. 

So, let’s get started!

  • AI video generator app uses machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to create high-quality videos. 
  • The quality of videos depends on the AI algorithms and training data used. AI video generator app use deep learning and computer vision technologies to generate videos. 
  • Users will be able to automatically generate video clips, edit and arrange them, add music, and create animations and effects, all without human intervention. 
  • These apps create various video types, from product demos and explainer videos to social media posts and ads. They can adapt to different styles and formats, such as vertical videos for Instagram stories or square videos for Facebook. 
  • AI-based video generator apps will analyse images and videos to identify the best shots, use natural language processing to create voiceovers and apply colour correction and other post-production techniques to improve the final output.

What is an AI Video Generator App?

An AI video generator app automatically generates or improves videos. An AI video generator first analyses the video and applies the appropriate improvements, such as colour grading, adjustment, and noise reduction. This is done using advanced algorithms. It may generate automatic subtitles, use special effects, and even make original video graphics.   

AI video generator app offers a wide range of functionalities, like 

  • Customise videos 
  • Special effects 
  • Analytics 
  • Cloud storage 
  • Filters 
  • Video editing etc. 

Businesses, advertisers, and social media executives who want to rapidly and easily edit or create videos without fundamental knowledge will be able to use an AI-generated video app. AI video generator apps can generate videos for various uses, like education, advertising, or entertainment.   

One of the most popular video generator AI apps is Decript. With Decript AI Video Generator, making videos is as simple as possible. Thanks to the user-friendly UI and simple controls. The program provides a wide variety of easily applicable templates, transitions, and effects for your film. Creativity is elevated to a new level with the Decript AI Video Generator. With its AI-powered features, you can create original video compositions, add fascinating visual effects, and even create lifelike voiceovers. 

Moving ahead, let’s discuss, 

How Does the AI Video Generator App Work?

AI Video Generator App Development - Top Benefits

In the AI video generator app, users modify the templates however they like! After selecting a video template, add text, tweak the video, and click to create the results.   

An AI algorithm will provide excellent visuals and audio to suit your content. Creating an AI-generated video app has several advantages, such as: – 

  • Personalisation – An AI video generator app will generate a personalised video for each user. The application can generate tailored videos based on user preferences using information like age, gender, and interests. 
  • Creativity – The AI video generator app also assists users in developing innovative video ideas by fusing various resources and techniques. This solution can also help users to generate interesting videos and experiment with multiple looks, sounds, and effects. 
  • Higher efficiency enables users to create videos with precision and pinpoint accuracy using an AI video generator app. The application dynamically edits videos, and adds effects and captions, minimising the need for human intervention. 
  • Saves time & resources – With an AI video generator app, the user will be able to quickly produce movies without spending much time or money. The app will automate video creation, enabling users to work on several videos simultaneously. 

As we’ve discussed the overview of video generator mobile app; now, let’s move forward and discuss,   

Top Must-Have Features of the AI Video Generator App!

AI video Generator App Development - Key Features

Following are some key features that you must consider during custom AI video generator app development: – 

Auto Video Creation

AI video creator apps use advanced algorithms to produce videos from text or images automatically. Thanks to this functionality, users no longer need to spend hours editing videos, which accelerates and improves the process. 

Multilingual Support

With this functionality of an AI-generated video app, it’s easy to create videos in multiple languages. It’s beneficial for companies operating in various nations or areas. 


Users will use the vast image and video libraries many AI video generators have to make their videos. The library’s feature makes finding outstanding visuals for a given video simple. 

Social Media Integration

The AI video generator app’s functionality helps users link with social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to share videos with a larger audience. 

Real-time Edit

The AI video generator app’s functionality allows users to edit their videos instantly. It’s helpful for companies that need to edit their videos at the last minute. 


AI video generators customise videos using information like geography, demographics, and user behaviour. With the help of this feature, videos become more attractive and pertinent to specific viewers as a result. 


This feature enables users to automatically add voiceovers and subtitles to videos using this AI video creator app feature. Businesses that want to market to a worldwide audience may find this capability especially helpful. 


This is one of the most excellent features of a voiceover-enabled AI video generator app since it enables users to narrate their movies. With this functionality, users will be able to record their voiceovers or select from various pre-recorded voices to give their videos a polished appearance. 


Analytics feature gives users information and insights on the performance of their movies using this feature of AI video-generating app. With this functionality, you will offer information on views, engagement, and other analytics that can aid customers in honing their video marketing techniques. 


Users can add unique touches to their videos using a variety of modification choices offered by this AI video app development functionality. Users will be able to create a video that reflects their business or flair by selecting from various themes, backgrounds, animations, and music. 

Digital Avatar

One of the most sophisticated capabilities provided by some AI video generator software allows users to design a unique digital model of themselves. This feature is called digital avatar functionality. The digital avatar can resemble the user by adding traits, including a hairdo, skin tone, eye colour, and clothing. The user will enter the message they want to deliver, and the digital avatar will speak it in their voice and tone. 

Edit Videos

Video editing tools functionality is another advanced feature of AI video generator software that can help users create professional-looking videos easily and quickly. With this feature, Users can input the raw footage, and the app will automatically edit the video with music, transitions, and effects. This feature can save users time and effort in manual video editing. 


With this feature, you will be able to offer a range of customisable templates for users to create videos. The templates come with pre-designed layouts, transitions, and effects that can be customised to match the user’s style and brand. 

Edit Audio

This AI video generator software feature allows users to edit their video audio. This feature will enable users to add music tracks, voiceovers, and sound effects to their videos. Users will easily adjust the volume and timing of the audio to create A professional-looking video. 

Colour Grading

One of the best features of AI video creator app offers colour grading, allowing users to adjust their videos’ colours and contrast. With this feature, Users can choose from a range of effects to enhance the look and feel of their videos. 

Exporting and Sharing

This feature allows users to export and share their videos directly from the app. With this feature, users can choose from various video formats and resolutions to export and share their videos on social media platforms or websites. 

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is among the most sophisticated features of AI video generation apps. With this functionality of the AI video generator app, the software may automatically create video content by analysing and comprehending human language. Users can enter text-based content into NLP, and the application will automatically produce a video based on that content. 

Motion Graphics and Animations

The AI video creator app must include various motion graphics and animation templates. This makes it possible for anyone to produce visually pleasing videos without requiring advanced animation abilities. 

Moving ahead, let’s discuss,

AI video generating app development

How to Develop an AI Video generator app?

The following are some essential steps that you need to take to build a bespoke AI video generator app like Descript.   

competitive researchDo Market/Competitive Research

Getting a sense of the market must be done initially. Researching and using the top applications will teach you much about the industry. The more time you have dedicated to researching popular apps, the more precise an impression you get of their common characteristics and user appeal.   

Planning-&-AnalysisPlanning & Analysis

The project’s concept should be fully understood and detailed in the development plan. During this brainstorming stage, professionals gather requirements and evaluate every aspect of a new product. The needs, in particular, what they are searching for, and potential difficulties that might occur during the AI video generator app development must be known to the AI app developers. 

We can say the planning stage is completed; when: – 

  • The objectives have been agreed upon and are appreciated by the key stakeholders. 
  • The primary value proposition of the software is understood and accepted by all stakeholders. 
  • The software’s features were finalised. 
  • Essential tasks are outlined. 
  • Important resources are planned, and roles are tentatively assigned to team members. 


Users are always more likely to connect with a mobile app that is simple to use, quick to respond to, and intuitive. You must combine your ideas and features to build a mobile app prototype or wireframe. While developing a video generator app like Decript, it serves as your blueprint and a source of guidance. It is possibly used as a reference point later in the enterprise solutions project once you finish perfecting and finalising the prototype.   

AI Video Generator App DevelopmentDevelopment

The developers can begin coding once the team has received the requirement description, software architecture, and design documents. In addition to writing code, AI app developers test individual modules or units during this stage to find any issues as early as possible.   

Some businesses hire AI development services to handle both the earlier phase of product design and the development responsibilities.   


Then the testing team evaluates the system’s overall functionality. Testing is essential to ensure that the entire application functions according to project specifications. 

Following testing, the testing and quality assurance teams may find bugs or other flaws and inform the developers. After fixing the bugs, the development team sends the app to QA for another round of testing.  


After deployment, the application needs to be appropriately maintained. This will make working in a real-time environment simple. Any faults in the app must be identified and fixed. Any future enhancements and new features must also be established at this stage. Any changes made to an active system mustn’t have a detrimental impact on how well it. Unless it is replaced or gets out-of-date, software must be maintained as long as it continues to be in use. 

How Much Will AI Video Generator App Development Cost?

The cost of developing an AI video generator app like Decript might vary significantly depending on many factors, including: – 

  • Development team – The cost of hiring strategists, developers, and testers to contribute to the project. 
  • Infrastructure – The cost of cloud services, hosting, and any other technology required to run the application. 
  • AI technologies – The cost of integrating, training, and getting the needed datasets for AI models. 

Apart from the above-listed, some other factors affecting AI video generator app development are: – 

  • Features & functionalities 
  • Platform used 
  • Hired digital transformation services 
  • App’s complexity 
  • Testing & quality assurance

It is advised to partner with an expert mobile app development company that knows AI video generator app development and can offer a thorough project estimate. Doing this will enable you to manage your budget more effectively and better understand the costs associated with AI video generator app development.

AI video Generator App Development


Video content will be more and more crucial for both companies and individuals as AI technology develops. You may set yourself up for success in this fast-changing market by remaining one step ahead of the curve and investing in developing cutting-edge AI-powered enterprise mobility solutions.   

Therefore, stop waiting; begin exploring AI video generator app development potential immediately! 

Looking for top AI mobile app development services? Look no further. Contact us! 

Our team of highly qualified and experienced AI developers work closely with you to know your business requirements and build enterprise solutions specifically tailored to your requirements.